25 Random....and so, the Memes Attack

It's like a chain letter in the likes we've seen before, but for some reason this particular one is spreading like a Southern California wildfire. The success of the "25 Random Facts" note publishing is probably due to the tagging feature unique to Facebook's publishing system. Even major publishers have a finger on this pulse, with TIME magazine writers and NBC journalists publishing their takes on the list. The most astonishing development from this...

Hey!! What the hell's wrong with you? What the fuck do you think you're doing?! I'm fucking sitting here trying to write a fucking article and you're doing that??!! You're completely unprofessional! What's your fucking name?

What kind of fucking pussy ass name is that? You want me to trash your lights? HUH??!! I should take off my shoe and throw it at your fucking chimpanzee face!!! I should hide a fucking Mentos in the cap of a Diet Coke and fucking trick you into opening it because that's what you're doing to my fucking article! How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop fucking with the lights while I'm trying to write a fucking article that most likely will never be read by anyone other than myself!! It's fucking distracting man!!

I swear...I can't work with unprofessional people around. You're a good fucking person bro, but you work like a fucking piece of shit. I'm going to my fucking trailer to continue cursing the day you chose to pursue a dream that happens to intersect with mine, and I'm not coming back until you're fucking gone!!! Bale out.


  1. Hey John Kim, how have you been? Long time no talk. I've been reading this blog lately and I mostly find your entries quite insightful and entertaining. But do you mind clarifying what this article is about? I'm just a bit puzzled. Anyway, talk to you soon!

  2. damn, waddup john! long time man. i was mostly making fun of the Christian Bale video where he chews out the lighting guy. haha.


    anyways, how've ya been? we should definitely hang soon.
