Just Thinking...

What is this world that we live in? It's not society. The world is as our own eyes perceive it.

The quality of a man should be based on who he's willing to become for the woman he loves. It "should be," but it seems like it's hardly ever. Sometimes I feel like women would rather be in the shadows of a tall man, rather than the light in the life of a grateful man. It's strange how some would rather be forgotten by greatness.

Is it any wonder why I stray from the women that judge my earnings instead of support them? There used to be a belief that behind every great man is a great woman.

When you're around your mid-twenties, the popular question is "what do you do for a living?" And I can't express enough my dislike for the question. I try to do things that create happiness, and that's how I choose to define my living. Yet, my answers always seem unacceptable because the purpose behind such inquiry is to get the most polite estimate of a person's pocketbook.

The wealthiest person on the planet drives a $44,000 Cadillac. He lives in a modest home and started his first company at 26 years of age. A simple lunch with him can cost over $2 million in charitable donations. The most spectacular thing about him is that there's nothing very spectacular about his lifestyle. Despite being able to afford anything, he eats cheeseburgers. And his wife spent her whole life loving a man whose principles account for more than history's largest receipt.

Too many people ask questions to find out the things we can take from each other. It's the palms down approach to life. When our reach is only for the things we want, we squeeze out all of the value of a relationship and then scavenge on for the next. We waste each other as if our lives can only be fruitful once.

The world isn't rotten...the perspective is. You don't find goodness...you grow it. Approach everyone with your palms up and a giving attitude. But be careful. There are people that will take everything and leave you starving. Other people will be skeptical of your intentions. Just know that you have the power to shape your society.

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