It's Always the Quiet Ones + Random Thoughts

You know what they's always the quiet ones you've got to watch out for.

I was just thinking about how most fall victim to the loud people. The people that are yapping away with their chests blown up toward the center of attention are the distractions. They're often the types that can talk all day and not say anything.

Whatever...changing topics without a segue...

It's funny how a really pretty girl that's shy is often perceived as a bitch. She could merely be socially awkward. Shit, she can even be self-conscious with low esteem. Yet, the eyes from outside presume she's unfriendly and full of herself. haha. If people hate you and you're quiet, you're at least an 8.

Life is always more stressful when you're busy thinking about what you need to do, rather than when you're just doing it. So quit bitching and just do it.

I hate it when people plead to change an engaging conversation just because they're not interested and being left out. Let people talk. Don't drag others down to your level. Lift yourself up to theirs. Life's better when you find something interesting in the things otherwise.

If you're going to ask someone a question, make it specific. Never ask, "how was your day?" Instead ask, "what was your favorite part of today?" There will be times when people answer you vaguely and awkwardly. Don't force the question again. It's a signal that they're uncomfortable, and the best response is to shift toward playing a game together. But try to stay away from playing the hand slapping shit...we've all been there...done that...since elementary school.

Guys and girls can not be friends. Period.

People claiming to be clueless about knowing when they are being propositioned are either liars, just being modest, have never gotten their heart broken, or clueless about knowing when they are being propositioned. I think they're liars.

Everything's simple. We make it more complex the longer we think about it. But think about it long enough, and you'll see how simple it is.

Writers are perceptive and insightful. Bloggers are whiners.

Making a good decision only takes 10 seconds. 4 seconds to calm your emotions. 3 seconds to see all of your options. 2 seconds comparing the best two options. 1 second to take action. If you're rubbing your chin in the cereal aisle, you're way too indecisive...I'm being suuper cereal (<= read with lisp).

I ALWAYS make note of people that come to a party empty-handed. Bad etiquette. If the party's not in your honor, it's always a potluck. $5...spend the money.

Never ever disagree with someone if you can't back it up with contrary evidence. Opinions can be accepted without mutual agreement. If your best rebuttal is "trust me," practice listening followed by politely changing the subject.

Hide behind your smile. We all truly, sincerely, deeply do care about how shitty your life is...we just don't want to hear about it.

If you're always busy, we're not friends. Truth. I'm okay with it...anyways, I've got too much stuff to do.

The median income in the U.S. is a little over $50,000 per year. If you're Asian, the median income is about $66,000. Most men earn about $60,000 per year, while most women earn about $45,000. Careful about jumping to conclusions bra burners...the income gap I've stated could be for any number of reasons. The most dangerous job in America is fishing (I doubt this demographic is split equally with females).

The deadliest jobs in America for men have 1,300 deaths per year.
The deadliest jobs in America for women have 60 deaths per year.

When will you learn that you have to tailor your approach to people, rather than fault their reactions?

Balance: Growing up is not about being all one way or's about being all together.

If you complain and then get what you wanted, stop fucking complaining. You got what you happy.

You've got to dig through shit before you can plant a seed that will grow.

- J

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