Do You Hate Your Neighbors?

Do you hate your neighbors? Because I hate mine. lol.

The walls at my place are so thin I can hear my neighbors farting if they ate enough Mexican. And unfortunately, the jerk that shares the wall with my bedroom has an affinity for listening to loud music. I don't mind loud music. I just hate bad loud music. If you're going to bump it, play the good shit.

As I'm typing this, my neighbor is listening to awful smooth jazz. Yea, you know...the electric guitar with the keyboarding that reminds you of a retro big hair porno. Sick. Music is usually an accompaniment to whatever task being done. Working out? Hit the hip hop. Stuck in 405 traffic? Guilty pleasure sing-a-long pop. But what the hell do you do while listening to generic smooth jazz? Master debates?

Every morning it's the same deal. The dude powers up the radio and tunes to something tasteless. I'm no music snob by any means, but I know good compositions when I hear them. My music tastes are wide and open. I've explored all genres from rock, hip hop, electronic, oldies, alternative, blues, and even jazz. Radiohead tops my list (few are as eccentrically appealing as Thom Yorke). So far, I have never heard a beat seeping through my walls that made me think, "cool...I wonder what song that is..." Annoying!

By the way, I once wrote that the difference between writers and bloggers is that bloggers are whiners... Well, this was a blog entry. haha. Complaint submitted. Happy weekend folks.


  1. The music is one thing, but you say you can hear them farting? I don't think it's your neighbors you should be pissed at it's the landlord/builder who didn't install insulation.

  2. I don't hate them but I sure hate their dogs... They jump over the fence and take a dump in MY yard.
