It amazes me how small a woman's expectations for her man can be. As if for a single moment she could get his eyes to share a gaze of inexplicable appreciation, she'd be happy.

Yet, God can be cruel. The same feeling a woman gets from lovingly nestling her head where she could follow her man's breath, we men don't feel until the other side of the bed turns cold.

There's something about a woman's eyes. We can be picking our noses while trying to decode the toaster's instruction manual, quivering between the intimidating aisles of the neighborhood Bed, Bath, and Beyond, or breaking wine glasses while crumbling under the pressure of her family's approval. And despite failing our own standards, we somehow gain the endearment of hers. It's unfortunate how easy it can be to be deceived.

Love seems to be more blinding for women than men. Women can look at a man and appreciate him for all of his potential...but the truth is that a zebra can't change his stripes (let alone fly).

Practice makes perfect. It's curious why we believe this to be true for only the better and not also the worse.

With each passing day, we learn how to get better at the things we have done. If you pass an opportunity for fear of failure, you will only become better at avoiding progress. If you regularly enjoy the irresponsibility of weekends, you will soon find yourself drinking on weekdays. And if you cheat in your present relationship, you will eventually hear yourself rationalizing your chronic infidelities.

Why do women put up with having so much less than deserved? Well...I guess it's for the same reason everyone does...afterall, a turd in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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