CNN Report: Higher Price for Pizza Slice

CNNMoney has published an article discussing a more than doubling rise in the price of Gold Medal brand flour. Apparently, a Manhattan pizzeria was shocked about a $37 price tag for a sack of flour they used to pay $16 dollars for. Shiet...not exactly breaking news.

Want a similar story?

"This just in... According to reliable sources, we have received word that jumping in water will leave you wet. Los Angeles resident Jose Anderson was shocked to discover that the reflective flowing substance absorbed into his clothes, thereby making the fabric clingy and distinctly heavier."

I'm tired of mainstream media's presumption of public stupidity. A routine trip to the local market would break the news that overall prices for commodities is on the rise. Any human being with a stomach and a bank account can see that everything is getting more expensive while less money is being earned through interest bearing accounts. Hey, big news corp...stop reporting news about my backyard!

There are many more useful stories to pursue than the moronically obvious revelation of nearly $4 per gallon at the pump.

Is my brother going to die in the middle east? Who's winning the fight to preserve net neutrality? If gold is trading at over $1,000 per ounce, how secure is my paper money? Exactly how and where does the Bear Stearns' sinking ship effect our nation's financial stability? Was acquiring a Nobel Prize Al Gore's solution to remedy global warming? When the hell is Apple going to release their second iPhone?

People are still dying over a war of false circumstances. While our friends and family are being forcibly shipped overseas to "kill or be killed" in a mission to fatten the pockets of the American neoconservative elites, I hardly believe where a New York governor chooses to insert his penis is front page worthy. I'm interested only if Eliot Spitzer was the president and he was hooking it with Ivanka Trump to blackmail the Donald into building a 150 floor golden Midas replacement for the White House. Otherwise, we the public deserve quality news...not Fox News (aka Faux News).

Well, that's my rant folks. Feel free to add a rant in the comments. =)

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