Airborne and the $23 Million they Owe You

A law suit was settled and you may be due some money.

Airborne, Inc. has been making herbal supplements that claim to cure and protect you from the common cold. Well, these claims finally came under question. No scientific research was found validating the healing properties of Airborne's effervescent formula, and so a law suit was filed claiming false advertising.

Although the defendants do not admit to doing any wrong, the company has agreed to settle the law suit for $23.3 million and will begin seeding information about how consumers can obtain refunds. I have ingested my fair share of Airborne tablets, so I will definitely be applying for my refund. If you ever bought the fizzing germ shield before, I highly recommend you take the time to receive your rightfully due refund also.

It's always a good idea to be slightly skeptical of the claims a company markets about their product. In America, all the rules are made by big business. But we consumers can choose not to play their game. Businesses should have more fear and respect for their consumers. This is why I'm glad there are non-profit agencies like the Center for Science in the Public Interest that actively work to protect consumer rights.

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