Please Stop the Madness Yahoo!

What is going on in Yahoo town? The higher powers at search's number two company have turned down an offer from software bully Microsoft, only to consider negotiating with misleading media kingpin News Corp.??!!

Yahoo is one of many internet companies famed for maintaining a creative and open work atmosphere. A hostile merge with typically corporate gray Microsoft would have offset Yahoo's purple ecosystem. So how will a partnership with super neoconservative News Corp. pan out? I mean, these are the people that nurture Bill O'Reilly, launched the career of Ann Coulter, and pushed defamatory anti-Democrat campaigns into mass media.

Watch the documentary "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" and you'll begin to understand my disliking for News Corp. Try checking out "The Corporation" if you're interested in how Fox News kills stories that are not in line with their neo-conservative agenda. There's a reason why "The Simpsons" poke fun at the network that broadcasts their show. If there's a show on Faux that you enjoy, TiVo it.

Yahoo's situation just goes to show that when you're bleeding, you only attract the sharks.

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