From Big to Colosally Gigantic!

Microsoft has offered to buy Yahoo! for a total of $44.6 billion in the form of cash and common stock. It's no secret that Microsoft has been drooling for a piece of the Google sweet pie, and an acquisition of online search advertising's runner-up Yahoo! could position Microsoft for a run at the gold.

The brash and balding Ballmer (CEO of Microsoft) is strategically seeking to drop the people's elbow on Google's $176 billion forehead. With Yahoo's CEO Jerry Yang forecasting bumpy roads for the company, Ballmer's deal comes perfectly timed and very appealing. Get ready for a clash of the titans. The impact on your life could be substantial.

Although we are no stranger to Microsoft's aggressive attitude, we can be sure Google won't go down without poking a few eyes. It's not all volleyball and free food in Mountain View. Their aggressive workings towards internet dominance comes much more understated in the form of rapid acquisitions. Despite its relatively young age, Google's company has never been afraid to spend money swallowing up as many of the great innovations the internet has to offer. This company is young, vibrant, and armed with plenty of weapons to secure its reign as top search dog.

Google's got a few cards it can play, but I must say that Microsoft will have the advantage if they go to bed with Yahoo. Take a moment to think about it. Google's got the internet in it's piggy bank...but Microsoft owns the computer AND the internet browser. It could be as simple as making a simplified version of Yahoo's search bar the start page of every Internet Explorer browser , or making Yahoo a standard across their Windows Mobile platform to leave a ghastly bite on Google's money pie. Either way, they will find a way to cram more Yahoo down your throat and have you eat less Google.

(Oh yeah...and if you happen to own some Yahoo stock, it jumped up 60%!)

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