Know Your Age!!!

Has anyone ever told you to "act your age?" It can be an unfair remark to smack someone with. I mean seriously, what is the correct way to behave in the years since you came weeping out of your mom's vagina? Let's take a look starting around puberty:

13-16 years old:
What can I know it all. Be bold and take some risks. Make some youtube videos of you and your friends jumping into lakes or swallowing a spoon full of cinnamon. You'll soon find out that similar to getting tazed, life can sometimes sting...but you knew that already, right?

17-20 years old:
So you've learned that being stupid isn't always fun. Now that you realize you know a little less than everything, I welcome you to the age of experimentation and discovery. These are the years that you really start learning about society and conceptual theories. You're still inexperienced overall, but all the knowledge crammed into your brain inflates your ego with a puffed-up confident competence.

21-24 years old:
How many fingers am I holding up? If you're not drunk now, I'll bet you have plans to be later. You've probably got amounting stress in your life and are in the phase when you enjoy occasionally cutting loose from your responsibilities. These should be some of the best years of your life. You're smart, don't have too many responsibilities, and you finally have some money to burn. Get ready...because the closer you get to 24, the more you'll see that all of those small responsibilities you've been ignoring have grown into a huge quarter-life crisis of unsure direction and instability. School's over. Welcome to the real world.

25-28 years old:
Life isn't as bad as you once projected, right? With a properly modest sense of competence and a few years of real life experience under your belt, you should be appreciating the huge varieties our world has to offer. By now you should have discovered that the best steak and eggs don't come from the Denny's kitchen. Who knew that there was more to drink than just tequila? Oh yea, and all of the weddings you've been attending really pummels the marriage bug in your gut.

29-32 years old:
I can't really comment here because I'm not quite that old. Yep...I'm still vibrant, resilient, and youthfully energetic. I've still got a while to go before I get over the hill, but I'll give you a quick skim of what I've noticed. It's the time for drastic fashion changes (from different hair styles to a whole new wardrobe).

Truth is that your age doesn't matter just as long as you are happy. Don't ever let other people's opinions bring you down. Make everything a strength. Have a great weekend! =)

The News to Date - I'm Bored

Isn't there anything more interesting going on in the world? The news is sOOooOOoo incredibly boring these days. Gas prices are going up, commodity prices are on the rise, people are protesting the Olympics (again), mortgages are turning into mortuaries (metaphorically of course), blah blah blah. It's not just always bad news, it's always the same bad news.

Got Bad Gas?:

The price of gasoline has been forking us everyday for the past 6 years! I see the signs everyday; I don't need a multi-billion dollar industry to give me the play-by-play when I'm the one taking the shots. It's olds...not news.

It's like they're always crying that the sky is falling...the only difference is that they also have both hands in your wallet (and a knee in your groin). Life is NOT good as a slave when the top dawgs of oil are flexing every emperor muscle they've got over our lives. Grr! It just makes me want to go to the Exxon-Mobile CEO's house, give their son a wedgie, charlie-horse their butler, and kick their puppy. When I get bullied, I bully back!

The Price is Right...if you're the one selling:

The cost of eggs, milk, and potatoes are sailing higher. Producers are blaming the rise on increased costs of production. But the truth behind business is that if you have a good reason to raise the price by 5%, raise it by 20%. If you have a good reason to lower the price, treat yourself to a Hawaiian vacation with your busty secretary because prices (much like your wife) never work their way down.

Take Out that Torch!:

"Billy, get my fire extinguisher! People are dying in China!" So apparently, Tibetan monks are getting killed by Chinese soldiers and the best response is to drown a torch eh? We certainly do not want to give the Chinese the economic boom that follows the Olympics; I guess we'd rather put on our pants (made in China), grab a fire extinguisher (made in China), and halt the ceremonial travels of the Olympic torch (made in China...presumably).

The Olympic events are monstrous athletic promoting beasts, and you just can't kill a bear with a fly swatter. It's better to bleed them dry with large boycotts. The profiteers of the Olympics can reignite the torch a thousand times over. I believe protesters should focus more on putting pressure on the committees and profiteers...then maybe later poke the eyes of whoever carries the torch.

From Hopeful to Homeless:

This is just plain sad. You don't get my two cents about this, but you do get a clip from BBC:

My utter boredom with the news is because we're never broadcasted information for solving problems. They only tell us when a hurricane rips through a community, but never anything about how that community is rebuilding. I would be much more interested in bad events if I knew there was going to be a good follow-up story.

That's my rant folks!

A Great Video: Famous Failures

It's popular to envy another's success. But to think...Michael Jordan cried? Walt Disney once lacked originality and imagination?

People's strength comes from their history of pain. Failure directs success. Believe in yourself, adapt, and keep pursuing your dreams.

The difference between dreamers and liars:

- Dreamers talk about the future.

- Liars talk about the past.

The Real "Pursuit of Happyness"

Here's the real man behind the movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness."

Chris Gardner's story is amazing. It just goes to show the power of the human spirit. Because "whether you can or cannot, either way you are right."

Some of us go through life pointing our fingers and blaming everything else for our problems. We also make excuses as to why we are not who we would like to be. It's a poor philosophy to live by. But the moment we take responsibility, we can do amazing things.

I think it was Jim Rohn that said, "ask not for less problems, but ask for more skills."

What are some of the quotes you live by?

My favorite - "Hell is full of good intentions, or desires."

What a Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong sings "What a Wonderful World"

Beauty is what stands a rose that grows from the concrete.

Revisiting Weirdom

How does one classify something like this? Cannibalism?
At least the pigeon put up a good fight.

Never Ever Give Up

...some of the wisest words I've ever heard.

Have a great day everyone!